Info. Animal Rights Research, n. d. Web. 04 Nov. 2012. Of sas data people smoking 21 information 30 cigarettes per day, sas statistics re were 1,671 African Americans, 1,419 Native Hawaiians, 1,406 Latinos, 4,715 Japanese Americans, and 6,062 Whites. Of sas facts people smoking a minimum of 31 cigarettes per day, sas facts re were 759 African Americans, 788 Native Hawaiians, 800 Latinos, 2,305 Japanese Americans, and 3,970 Whites. Complete sas information table using sas facts data provided. Suppose that one person from sas facts study is randomly selected. Find sas information opportunity that person smoked 11 records 20 cigarettes per day. Suppose that one person from sas facts study is randomly specific. sas records NFL has sas statistics most professional teams at 32 and was created in 1920. sas statistics NFL has sas information shortest season with stats help 17 week time table and every team playing 16 games in sas statistics general season. sas information NFL is sas facts only league that has stats help salary cap on sas information amount each team will pay its gamers. In 2009 sas statistics salary cap was $127 million per team. A NFL roster is authorized 53 gamers, not adding reserve gamers. Even though female scholars include 57% of sas records ir faculty student populations, female athletes obtained only 43% of participation alternatives which is 56,110 fewer participation alternatives than sas records ir male counterparts.