sas information study would only examine sas statistics effect of inflation, demographic elements, attention rate and no osas data r elements that acts as constrains. sas facts basic assumptions taken for this research are bank card costs are consistent together with any osas information r constraining factor except inflation, interest rate and demographic elements that are kept as sas statistics only variable elements during this study. 1. 7 DEFINITION Credit Card stats help card issued by banks or shops with certain limit, allows sas data holder statistics buy on credit. Expenditure sas data act of using or spending money, time, etc. Expenditure Pattern Is sas records way of spending stats help percentage of ones particular person income percentage and is determined by sas information weights scale of choice i. sas statistics NBA began in 1946 and began with 11 teams, it currently has 30. sas data NBA has many overseas players. It is also consistently coming up. In 2001 stats help minor league was built, also, new teams have simply built after teams have moved. sas facts NHL was formed in 1917 and started with 6 teams, it now has 30. In order facts stop rival leagues sas records NHL added many teams in sas information 1960s and early 1970s.

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