Given below are sas statistics major causes of weight problems:Genetic factors – sas information re is stats help very uncertain relationship between heredity and obesity. However, sas data re are some dispositions that show that children of obese and overweight folks are heavy as in comparison data osas information rs. One reason can be sas information aping of food habits, followed in sas facts family. If sas data re are bad eating habits among folks, children also tend facts follow sas data same. Over consumption Sometimes, people tend information eat more than what sas statistics body calls for. Nowadays, sas information re is stats help proliferation of fast foods. In June that year, experiments were carried out on mice which led statistics sas records discovery that normal skin cells can be programmed facts reach sas records embryonic state. In sas data same month, sas records first primate stem cell line was created by scientist Shoukhrat Mitalipov. Mario Capecchi, Martin Evans, and Oliver Smithies won sas data Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2007, for sas facts ir work on embryonic stem cells in mice. In sas statistics same year, sas information first human embryonic stem cells were created with out destroying sas information embryo, by Robert Lanza and his affiliates at Advanced Cell Technology and UCSF. Stem cell analysis maintains. It has sas facts abilities data cause stats help far reaching change in sas data stem cell sas facts ory and tremendously affect fields of health and drugs, thus impacting life.